The ultimate guide to on-page seo for 2022

The Ultimate Guide To On-Page SEO For 2022

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What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is optimizing your website’s content and structure to maximize your rankings in search engines. The goal of on-page SEO is to make sure that your site ranks as high as possible for relevant keywords. This article will introduce you to the world of on-page SEO, how it works, and how it can improve your website’s ranking.

What Does “On-Page SEO” Mean?

On-page SEO is simply tweaking your website to help search engines and users find it helpful and relevant to the keywords or search phrases searched by users. On-page SEO refers to the changes you make to the key elements of your web page. 

For example:

  1. Adding your target keyword to the URL of your web page
  2. Writing SEO keywords-optimized content.
  3. Including your target keyword in the title tag and meta description tag
  4. To Use your primary keyword in the headers, i.e., ( H1 Tag, H2 Tag),
  5. Writing the keywords-based image alt tags.
  6. Internal linking and external linking.

However, contrary to popular belief, on-page SEO is not as simple as it appears. It is, in fact, an art, and it takes time, testing, and effort to determine how each on-page SEO element affects your website’s rankings.  

But the good news is that I’m going to share my top on-page SEO techniques with you today, which have helped me 10x the visibility and organic traffic of my own and my clients’ websites. Take these on-page SEO techniques to heart; they have been thoroughly tested and proven.

First And Foremost, On-Page SEO Is Critical. 

On-page SEO, also known as on-site SEO, is optimizing the content, tags, and internal links of a page in order to increase search visibility and traffic.

At the end of the day, on-page optimization boils down to gaining more organic traffic. 

With that being said, the first five listings in Google search get 67.60% of all clicks, while the next five search results only get 3.73%, and this percentage drops further for listings below these 10 organic listings in the SERPs.

To gain more organic traffic (clicks), your webpage needs to rank as high as possible in the SERPs. 

Not only this, according to backlinko, a web page ranking at #1 is 10X more likely to get clicks as compared to a page ranking at #10 spots in the SERPs.

Now, guess the organic traffic of a web page ranking below 10 positions in the SERPs. In fact, less than 1% click on the second page of Google. So to gain more organic traffic, it is important for your page to be on the first page of Google, and by following a proven on-page SEO strategy, you can really make an impact on your website’s organic traffic and CTR.

What Are The Most Important On-Page SEO Factors And Techniques?

You may come across more than a few on-page-level SEO factors, but the list of on-page SEO factors and techniques below is the exact combination that I use every day to optimize the websites of my clients in order to maximize their search engine rankings. 

  1. Keywords research 
  2. SEO optimized writing 
  3. Title tag optimization
  4. Meta tag optimization 
  5. Writing fully optimized headers
  6. Optimizing the URLs.
  7. Using the alt tags.
  8. Using creatives (infographics, images, and videos)
  9. Internal linking
  10. External linking
  11. Use proper anchor texts.

  1. Use Keywords Wisely:

When improving your on-page SEO, you must ensure that your primary keywords are used wisely in the content because overusing them can lead to problems. Keywords are the phrases people use to search on search engines every day. 

For example:

“ How to learn SEO” or “ How to increase a website’s organic traffic”

Therefore, before thinking about on-page SEO, it is imperative to carry out proper keyword research. You will lose time, money, and effort if you choose the wrong keywords and optimize them. Because irrelevant traffic won’t result in sales or conversions for you.

How To Do Keyword Research?

Knowing your target audience will make conducting keyword research for your website much easier. You will need to use a few online keyword research tools, the first of which is Google Keyword Planner, which will provide the following information about a keyword.

  1. Monthly search volume of your keywords
  2. The competition for your target keyword. 

(Although this demonstrates how competitive that keyword is in terms of paid advertisements, you can still imagine how important the keyword is given the level of competition.)

Second, there are some paid SEO tools you can use. I’ll go over them later in this guide, but for now, take a quick look.

  1. Ubersuggest,
  2. SEMrush
  3. Ahrefs
  4. Keyword Everywhere

It basically depends on your preferences and budget, but the list goes on and on. Determine which keyword research tool is the best fit for your needs while keeping these two things in mind.

2) Write SEO-Optimized Content:

Writing SEO-friendly content is the most vital part of your on-page SEO strategy, as it incorporates important SEO elements that you must follow.  Otherwise, writing keyword-rich content is not going to help your website’s rankings. When writing the content, make sure you keep the following points in mind.

  1. Don’t overuse your target keyword
  2. Write for users, not for search engines.
  3. Focus on readability.
  4. Use listicles and bullet points where they make sense.
  5. Use subheadings
  6. Use variations of your target keyword.

  • Don’t overuse your target keyword.

When writing the content, make sure you are maintaining the keyword density. But what is keyword density?

“Keyword density describes how frequently a search term appears in a text in relation to the total number of words it contains. The keyword density would be 3%, for instance, if a keyword appeared three times in a text of 100 words”

So that being said, it is crucial to keep the keyword density up to 3%  to 4% in your content.

  • Write for users, not for search engines.

When writing content, the majority of SEOs make this error. They write exclusively for search engines and ignore their readers to fool Google, which results in low rankings or sometimes penalties.

Google has recently rolled out a new update that clearly states this. 

Focus on People-first content:

“The helpful content update aims to better reward content where visitors feel they’ve had a satisfying experience, while content that doesn’t meet a visitor’s expectations won’t perform as well.”

write people first content- Google helpful content update

Second, avoid creating content for search engines first.

“Our advice about having a people-first approach does not invalidate following SEO best practices, such as those covered in Google’s own SEO guide. SEO is a helpful activity when it’s applied to people-first content. However, content created primarily for search engine traffic is strongly correlated with content that searchers find unsatisfying. “

Avoid creating search engines first content- Google helpful content update 2022

  • Focus on Readability:

When it comes to SEO writing, readability is crucial because it indicates how simple it is for people to understand your content. The higher the readability score is, the better the user experience is going to be for your webpage.

How Do You Determine The Readability Score?

To see how readable your content is, you will need to use some online writing tools, so if you are on WordPress, then the best options will  be 

  1. Yoast SEO plugin
  2. The RankMath SEO plugin.

In addition to these, you can use external tools to identify the readability score of your content, for example, Grammarly is best the option available to you to enhance the readability score, not only this, but Grammarly will also help to fix grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes in your content.

  • Use listicles and bullet points where they make sense.

When writing SEO-optimized content, it is easy to forget about your users or readers, at the end of the day, writing the content boils down to attracting more visitors and hopefully converting them into paying customers.

So you have to write the content in a way that amuses your readers and entices them to stay on your website for a long time. 

There is over one way to make your content attractive, but the best way to break down your content is to use bullet points and listicles. 

Using this on-page SEO technique will help your audience enjoy the content and give your content a chance to rank as a featured snippet in the SERPs. Like the one shown in the screenshot below.

On page seo guide 2022- Featured snippet in the SERPs.


6) Use subheadings:

Writing in the depth, and relevant content is at the heart of great SEO. You can write long content as you wish, as far as it applies to the topic in question.

But the key thing to keep in mind is to make sure you are using sub-headers in your content. Sub-headers help you break up your long-form content and help your readers easily digest the content and better understand it.

There are basically 6 HTML tags you can use to break up the content.

  1. H1 Tag
  2. H2 Tag
  3. H3 Tag
  4. H4 Tag
  5. H5 Tag
  6. H6 Tag

Heading 1 is the most important tag. You should use it once on a webpage and it is usually the title of a webpage. The rest of the headers can be used on the page where they make sense.

  1. Use variations of your target keyword.

Utilizing your target keyword’s variations is a good on-page SEO strategy because it will help your content rank for multiple keywords in the SERPs and prevent you from keyword stuffing, which is the practice of using the same keyword repeatedly.

Therefore, be sure to use sub-headers to their full potential and incorporate a variety of your target keywords into them. 

3) Optimize The Title Tags Of Your Web Page.

The main subject of your page is represented by the HTML tag known as a title tag. Alternatively, it gives you a general idea of the page’s content, just like shown in this screenshot.

Title tag in the SERPs- the on page seo guide 2022

How to optimize the title tag?

Title tag optimization is very important for on-page SEO techniques, as this is the first thing a searcher will see in the SERPs ( Search Engine Result Pages) when your target keyword is searched. Not only that, but it also helps search engines understand the content on your webpage.

So here is how to SEO optimize your website’s title tags.

  • Use your target keyword in the title tag.
  • Use short but concise titles
  • Add a numerical, like a year, 22 tips, 15 ways to do something, etc.
  • Don’t use underscores in the title tags.
  • Use hyphens in the title tag.
  • Use your keyword as quickly as possible. 
  • Make sure it is 10 to 70 characters long
  • Make sure it talks exactly about your main content.

4) Optimize Your Page’s Meta Description Tag.

A meta description or meta title is a short piece of text that appears just below the title tag in the SERPs. just as shown in the screenshot below.

Meta title tag in the SERPs- On page seo guide 2022

An HTML element called a “meta description” summarizes a web page. A page’s meta description tag is intended to give the user a sense of the content that is present on the page and how it relates to their search query. It is displayed as part of the search snippet in a search engine results page (SERP).

How to optimize the meta description tag or meta title?

The description of a web page is a crucial part of on-page SEO techniques, as this will help a searcher decide whether or not to click on your page.

So keep the following points in mind when optimizing your page’s meta description tags.

  • Make sure your page description is 160 characters long.
  • Use your target keyword at the very start of the description.
  • Use power words, and numerics 
  • Use CTA ( call to action button). 
  • Keep the mobile version in mind when writing the description tag.

5) Use Your Primary Keyword Or Its Variations In The Headers.

Writing keyword-rich content is at the heart of on-page SEO. Using your target keyword in the content will boost the visibility and topical relevancy of your web page. One way of doing this is to use the variations of your primary keyphrase in these sub-headers.

As we discussed earlier, you can use six different headings on your webpage. (H1-H6). These headings generally help you to break up the content, cover different segments of the content, and most importantly, help search engines understand the content on your webpage. 

So make sure you are making the most of the sub-header by using the variations of your primary keyword.

6) Optimize The URLs Of Your Website.

The URL (Unique Resource Locator) is the address for your website. Okay, but why do you need to optimize the URL of your website? The short answer is that carefully crafted URLs are easier for users and search engines to understand, which ultimately enhances the user experience. Just have a look at this screenshot.

On page SEO techniques- Optimize your webpage URL

This URL is nicely written, readable, and keyword-rich and helps search engines and users what to expect if they click on this URL. 

So keep the following points in mind when optimizing the URLs of your website.

  • Use your target keyword in the URL.
  • Keep your URLs concise.
  • Make sure it applies to the content of the page.
  • Use hyphens as compared to underscores.

7) Optimize Your Website Images With Proper Alt-tags.

Images are an important part of any website.  Without images, a website may look boring. So it is therefore highly important to use images on your webpage to make your website more accessible, attractive, and engaging. 

Not only this but using good and highly relevant images is also crucial for SEO purposes. Optimizing your website images with proper alt-tags will help increase your website visibility and may appear in image search results, which certainly results in increased organic traffic.

Now the worst part is, if you are trying to add images to make your content more engaging and can more visibility, you may add a huge weight to your website, which will ultimately slow down your page. 

How to do image SEO?

According to Jumshot, over 20% of all U.S. web searches happen on Google images.

That being said, it is worth spending time on IMAGE SEO. Proper image optimization will help your site more organic traffic in the long run.

So here I am sharing some of my great image SEO tips which you can then simply replicate.

  • Choose the proper file format. For screenshots, PNGs are my top choice.
  • To speed up page loading, reduce file size.
  • Make sure your image and your on-page SEO components (metadata, structured data, etc.) go together.
  • Make sure your images are featured in your sitemap or create an image sitemap for crawl ability.
  • Must use your target keyword in the image Alt tag.
  • Use Image Captions properly.

8) Use Creatives On Your Page (Images, Infographics, Charts)

SEO is like a game, as we already discussed. You take all reasonable steps to enhance the user experience and add value to your web pages. 

Therefore, besides implementing other on-page SEO strategies, be sure to include pertinent images, videos, or infographics in the appropriate places. 

Because using this on-page SEO technique will improve the user experience on your website, readers will enjoy your content and spend more time on it.

9) Use A Robust Internal Linking Strategy.

Any link on your website connecting one page to another is known as an internal link. Links help users and search engines find content on your website.

Internal linking helps your users navigate your website and find the content they’re looking for, while search engines use internal linking to find out new content on your website and crawl it. 

What is internal linking? On page seo factors 2022

So follow these internal linking tips for the best SEO results.

  • Create long-form content to help you find more internal linking opportunities.
  • Add an internal link in the content where it can help readers.
  • Mark all your internal links as “Dofollow” to transfer link juice from one page to another.
  • Use relevant internal links.
  • Try linking deep. 
  • Try linking to highly relevant pages or articles.
  • When possible, link back to a low-ranking article or page, as this will help build topical authority and will ultimately increase the ranking of a low-ranking page or article.

10) Use External Links.

Using external links will help you build credibility and more trust when it comes to user experience. When writing the content, you need to make sure you are creating links to relevant and non-spammy websites. 

You also need to make sure you’re using external links in your content only if it can help your readers. 

Why you should external links in the content? On page SEO guide for 2022

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